Who Was Lola B. Walker? (Coral Gables Black History Spotlight)

Lola B. Walker was an advocate for the Golden Gate subdivision, a predominantly Black neighborhood where the area’s first pioneers and Bahamian immigrant laborers settled. She tirelessly engaged with city officials to ensure the needs of her community were met.

Walker’s staunch advocacy led to the formation of a homeowners’ organization focused on improving and preserving Coral Gables’ MacFarlane Homestead and Golden Gate subdivisions. As a result of the group’s advocacy the MacFarlane Homestead District was designated historic by the U.S. in 1994.

In tribute of her efforts, the association was named the Lola B. Walker Homeowners Association and the green space at the corner of Grand Avenue and Lincoln Drive was named Lola B. Walker Pioneers’ Park.


Photo Courtesy of the City of Coral Gables

Story Courtesy of the City of Coral Gables

Date Posted: February 19, 2025

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